Jumat, 30 Oktober 2015

about to start a new journey (1st batch of tester)

Bismillahirohmannirohim in shaa Allah dengan berbekal sedikit modal, banyak doa dan tawakal serta niat bekerja keras, gw and sahabat gw dr SMP mau coba-coba bikin usaha kudapan. Semoga Allah meridhoi dan memudahkan niat baik ini Amin.

Alhamdulillah tester yang di rolled out pertama menuai banyak input and mostly positive comments, which brought us to the next level of spirit to trust that it will work! however, lot of things to prepare and to accomplish here and there, but we were loaded with excitement and enthusiastic to start our short-coming business and we wish this new level of relationship between me and my bestie will strengthen our bond as a friend as well as business partner.

Terima kasih untuk testimoni2 yang positive maupun critics yang sangat helpful after the first batch of tester.

Coming soon!

Rabu, 16 September 2015


Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

hi gw Ully Auliana seorang ibu dengan satu anak laki-laki yang super cheeky, super smart and super adorable. banyak banget kisah-kisah jenaka, menyentuh, menegangkan, menghangatkan and much more yang akan gw share di "dancing in the rain" ini. memiliki dia seperti a whole-package of adventures in one plate, he utterly made me complete and content!
basically, gw mau bikin blog karena gw suka banget pour my little heart or mind out, and gw agak-agak kuper sejak menikah, hampir tereliminasi tepatnya oleh temen2 se-perkongkowan dimasa2 keemasan dulu, dimana rumah cuma jadi terminal, nyokap bokap sampai lupa warna rambut gw apa and sepanjang apa rambut gw. final-nya adalah nyokap sampe suruh gw pindahin lemari baju gw kerumah temen2 gw secara hampir gak pernah ada dirumah hahaha.
well, lain dulu lain sekarang... karma kali ya, sekarang gw bahkan dah gak tahu tempat makan yang lagi hietz apa? mall2 baru yang bertebaran bak jamur dimusim hujan itu apa aja dan dimana aja, none of them ever crossed in my head and yang parah-nya, sekali ada chance untuk kumpul sama temen, gw bingung how to start the conversation and nervous, padahal yang gw temuin my ex-partner in crime semua.

and to begin with, gw cuma mau kasih glance highlight for what i've been through lately within my life. it was upside down since this past 7 years (since i married to be precised)it's tiring, it's consumes my mind, energy and tears like crazy, it's horrible, it's thrilled, it's amazing, it's beautiful and it's make me fall in love every single day with my own life. makanya gw kasih blog gw ini nama:"Dancing in the rain" as those words completely represent my life! do i have a perfect life? no!, but my life is good, all i need to do is to dance in the rain.

thanks to Vivian Greene for creating below quotes:

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain.”

- Vivian Greene -